
Never been easier to build forms then this really well builed framework. Example bellow is how to use it in Control Tower and not outside.

Class meta

  • Name: fields
  • Namespace: form\builder\fields
  • Construct:
    1. (String) fieldTemplate: class string to method input fields (required)
    2. (String) formTemplate: class string to method complete form/fields template
    3. (Array) passToInst: Pass classes/objects/array to nested methods above
  • Dependencies: form\builder\arguments



echo $this->modal()->fields()->text()->name("email")->attr(["type" => "email"])->get();

Advanced: Create the form

First create the form with a structured array

$this->modal()->fields()->add("userForm", [
	// Set form name
	"firstname" => [
		"type" => "text", // Set form type (input text or textarea and so on.)
		"label" => "First name",
		"validate" => [
			"length" => [1, 80]
	"lastname" => [
		"type" => "text",
		"label" => "Last name",
		"validate" => [
			"length" => [1, 120]
	"email" => [
		"type" => "text",
		"label" => "Email",
		"attr" => [
			"type" => "email",
			"placeholder" => ""
		"validate" => [
			"length" => [1, 120]
			"!email" => NULL
  	"upload,portait" => [
	    "type" => "file",
	    "label" => "Portrait",
	    "description" => "Open media library and chooes a portait image or upload a new one.",
	    "config" => [
	        "type" => 1, // 1: Keep aspect ratio, 2: Auto crop image, 3: Trim image
	        "webp" => 1, // Auto convert to modern file format
	        "accept" => "image", // Can be comma seperated: image,svg,video,file 
	        //"hex" => "#FFFFFF", // Set BG if transparent, #FFFFFF for white or "auto" to get prominent color from image and set as BG
	        "images" => [
	                "width" => 640,
	                "height" => 640,
	                "srcset" => "1x" 
	                "width" => 1280,
	                "height" => 1280,
	                "srcset" => "2x" // 1x, 2x or max-width: 640px

$this->modal()->fields()->add("advanced", [
	// Set form name
	"status" => [
		"type" => "radio",
		"label" => "Synlig",
		"validate" => [
			"length" => [1, 1],
			"number" => NULL,
			"!min" => 0,
			"!max" => 1
		"items" => [
			1 => "Ja",
			0 => "Nej"

Build the form

Build the all the form. This means that all the forms values will be inserted and also validated as one unit, so use uniqe input/field name accross all forms within the instance.

// Set form values
	"firstname" => "Daniel",
	"lastname" => "Doe",
	"email" => "",
	"upload" => [
		"portrait" => "[JSON_STRING_FROM_WE_MEDIA]"
	"status" => 1,

// Build form

Read the form

Read/return the form (html-code) in the body

<div id="the-form">
	<?php echo $this->modal()->fields()->form("userForm"); ?>

Validate and save

Validate the form data then save it in the database. If success then return all and "only" form fields that you have in "userForm/advanced". If fields has been maliciously injected then these fields will be filtered out. This makes your life much easier when working with dynamic and nested form fields/arrays.

$validate = new \form\validate($this->modal()->fields(), $_POST);
if($arr = $validate->respect()) {
	// Validate failed

	$this->modal()->json()->add("status", 3);
	$this->modal()->json()->add("form_error", $arr);

} else {
	// Validate success

	// This method will filter in only used fields
	$post = $this->modal()->request()->array($validate->request())->val();
	$insert = DB::_insert($post, "DB_TABLE");

	$this->modal()->json()->add("status", 1);
	$this->modal()->json()->add("message", "Uppdated");    

Field types

Input text
@return string/html
public text()
Input hidden
@return string/html
public hidden()
Input date
@return string/html
public date()
Input date time
@return string/html
public datetime()
Input text in list form
@return string/html
public list()
@return string/html
public textarea()
Textarea with counter
@return string/html
public maxLength()
File/image field with library
@return string/html
public file()
Image tooltip field
@return string/html
public tooltip()
Select list / drop list
@return string/html
public select(?callable $callback = null)
@return string/html
public position()
Select list multiple
@return string/html
public multiple($addHeader = false)
Radio button
@return string/html
public radio()
@return string/html
public checkbox()
Group fields
@return string/html
public group()