Meta data

Used to easly create and overwrite dynamic HTML meta data.

Class meta

  • Name: meta
  • Namespace: modular\meta
  • Construct:
    1. String: Seperator (defualt: |) (required)
    2. Array: Titles
    3. String: Description
  • Dependencies: modular\dom\document


// Set and modify meta title
$this->modal()->meta()->setTitle("Creative Army");
$this->modal()->meta()->prepend("About us");

// Set meta description
$this->modal()->meta()->setDescription("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

// Set meta canonical link
$url = $this->modal()->url()->select('pages')->url();

// Create a custom meta tag (other: setTitleDOM, setMetaDOM, setLinkDOM)
$this->modal()->meta()->setMetaDOM("og:description", "Facebook meta description lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");

echo $this->modal()->meta()->html();


<title>About us | Creative Army</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">
<link rel="canonical" href="">
<meta property="og:description" content="Facebook meta description lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">

Method list

WA meta
Version: 3.0
Copyright: All right reserved for Creative Army
Set defaults meta values
@param string $sep How should title array items seperate when returned
@param array $title default title
@param string $description default description
__construct(string $sep, array $title = [], string $description = "")
Read/return the title
@param string
Set the title. Will restart the array.
@param self
setTitle(array $add)
Prepend to title array
@param self
Append to title array
@param self
Read/return the description
@param string
Set the description
@param self
setDescription(?string $add)
Read/return the canonical
@param string
Set Canonical link
@param self
setCanonical(string $str)
Create custom "link" DOM tag
@param string $type (Link or Meta)
@return modular\dom\element
setLinkDOM(string $key, string $rel, bool $prepend = false)
Create custom "title" DOM tag
@param string $type (Link or Meta)
@return modular\dom\element
setTitleDOM(string $value, bool $prepend = false)
Create custom "meta" DOM tag
@param string $name (example: "Description")
@return modular\dom\element
setMetaDOM(string $name, bool $prepend = false)
Read process, execute and the read as meta-data ad HTML-code
@return string